Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна» беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт


Hlusk: number of people “willing” to vote early is growing every day

Polling station No. 2 in Hlusk
Polling station No. 2 in Hlusk

The number of those who want to want early is growing every day at polling station No. 2 in Hlusk. On October 6, the first day of the early voting, there voted 53 electors, on October 9, according to the PEC protocol, the number increased to 188 people.

An observer at polling station No. 2 Ihar Kiryn points that according to the protocols of early voting, posted at the polling station, on October 6 there voted 53 electors, on October 7 – 90, on October 8 – 150, on October 9 – 188. In these four days, the number of those who voted early exceeded 30% from all electors registered at the precinct.

The data of the observer who is constantly present at the polling station, started diverging from the PEC information starting from the second day of the early voting. According to the calculations of Mr. Kiryn, on October 7 there voted 87 people, on October 8 – 148, on October 9 – 186 electors.

According to Ihar Kiryn, many electors come to the polling station at 4-6 p.m., when there appear even queues for receiving ballots. The observer says that during the last day of the early voting there is a massive influx of workers of budget organizations - employees of educational and cultural institutions, law enforcement officers, the workers of the executive committee, as well as officials of different levels.

For unknown reason, the number of the unused ballots indicated in the protocol of early voting, posted at polling station №2 in the evening of October 9 is much smaller that the one received after summing up the number of the voters for four days and subtracting from the total number of received ballots.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"
