Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна» беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт


Workers of "Mahilioŭchimvalakno" are proposed to vote early

As reported by a worker, the management of the Mahilioŭ plant "Mahilioŭchimvalakno" (“"Mahilioŭ Chemical Fiber”) proposed its workers to work during the five days of early election, held on October 6 -10.

“The management told us that anyone could vote early. To stimulate us to do so, they told that those who wanted to vote early could leave the work in the early afternoon,” said the worker. According to him the workers treated the proposal in different ways, as the majority of them know that the early voting can be used as a technique for rigging the elections.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"
