Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна» беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт


Conditions for campaigning get worse in Žodzina

Campaigning in Žodzina. Photo by Aliaksei Lapitski
Campaigning in Žodzina. Photo by Aliaksei Lapitski

The deterioration of the conditions for campaigning in Žodzina has been registered by an independent observer at the Žodzina City Election Commission Aliaksei Lapitski.

September 8, the commission held a sitting, at which it considered and unanimously approved the proposals of the Žodzina City Executive Committee regarding the issues of the upcoming presidential agitation campaign.

As reported by the website, the commission adopted the decisions regarding the sites for electoral campaigning, including meetings and pickets that would be organized by the presidential candidates and their agents, as well as regarding the places for posting printed campaign materials and the rooms for indoor electoral meetings.

The sitting was attended by all 13 members of the Commission, the independent observer and a representative of the city women's organization. As a result, the commission adopted three places for mass events: the main stage at the entrance to the city park, the site opposite the former department store “Centraĺny” in 40 Hod Kastryčnika Street and the site near the Center of Social Services in Savieckaja Street.

Thus, in comparison with the period of the collection of signatures, the campaign period will be held in significantly tougher conditions, as it is allowed to hold electoral pickets and meetings only in three places.

The commission also supported the proposal, according to which printed campaign materials were to be posted at bulletin boards in the city and at organizations, shops, etc.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"
