Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна» беларускі хельсінкскі камітэт


Not all government websites in Mahilioŭ region publish lists of prohibited campaigning locations

As of July 18, five out of 21 official websites of district authorities in Mahilioŭ region have not published decisions by local executive committees on places prohibited for staging campaigning pickets.

In particular, such information is not available on the websites of Bialyničy, Bychaŭ, Horki, Mscislaŭ and Škloŭ district executive committees. Meanwhile, July 17 was the last day for the local authorities, according to the electoral law, to select places that are prohibited for picketing during this year’s presidential election.

After analyzing the available decisions by district executive committees, observers note that local authorities were quite liberal in defining places prohibited for picketing.

Most of the executive committees of Mahilioŭ region have forbidden collecting signatures on the territory of educational, healthcare, culture, physical culture and sports, social welfare institutions, bus stations, and less than 50 meters from the local representative, executive and administrative bodies and their structural departments, prosecutor’s offices, courts, territories of organizations providing national security and life of the population. One gets the impression that the decisions followed the same script. Some of the district executive committees added to the above list entrances to enterprises employing more than 300 people (Kasciukovičy). A decision of the Asipovičy district executive committee prohibited collecting signatures only in the central square and at railway facilities. A tighter decision has been announced by the Kličaŭ district executive committee –collecting signatures is prohibited on the territory of the city center, as well as within the objects of trade, education and healthcare facilities, indoor and adjacent territories of bus and railway stations.

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections"
